Our Partners

Sonder Mountain Apparel Co was born from the idea that helping those in our communities who are struggling with addiction and mental health issues was something that needed to come first. This is a silent killer of more people across the globe than any other disease, conflict or natural disaster. More than one million people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose. In 2021, 106,699 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States alone. In the United States, about 200,000 people die from Alcohol Use Disorder in the U.S. each year.  It is something that everyone is touched by, not just the poor, the underprivileged, the underrepresented... everyone. It does not care what your skin color may be, what your specified gender is, how old you are, how physically fit you are, how much money you have in the bank or who your family is. And yet, it is pushed aside. Swept under the rug. Silenced. 

Apparel companies "with a purpose" is not a new concept. We all watched companies like Tom's Shoes find a way to provide millions of shoes to people in need. Patagonia has been donating one percent of profits since 1985 to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. Bombas donates a specially designed pair of socks to someone affected by homelessness. Warby Parker is widely considered a pioneer in applying the buy-one-give-one model to eyewear. FEED is a company focused on food—that is, getting food into the bellies of hungry children. 

These are all companies that paved the way to a new generation and a growing movement toward greater social and environmental responsibility. All of these companies deserve recognition for their attention and support of important global issues, but the more we looked the more it became apparent that the massive, destructive, angry elephant in the room was not only being ignored, it was being covered up, painted over and disguised. We are a society that had decided to put designer socks and track pants on the elephant instead of figuring out why it was in the room in the first place.

What got us here? How did we get to a place where the elephant is getting bigger and we are resorting to dimming the lights instead of acknowledging the problem and finding a solution. 

Sonder Mountain was built on the backs of people who helped myself and every employee find piece in recovery. The wonderful men and woman who decided to not ignore the elephant in the room. Without their bravery and dedication, we would not have the resources that people need to find hope or a second chance. Resources like sober living communities, detox and treatment centers, trauma therapy, medical assistance, accessible medications and family solutions. These folks provide job training, credit restoration, legal representation, health education, empathy, understanding and so much more. We have seen first hand that there is not a single organization out there that is not struggling to survive while simultaneously providing the resources  it has to help save the lives of others. We needed to help. 

We knew that by providing support to the organizations who support so many, we could give oxygen to the cause. By acknowledging the elephant in the room, we find that we are not only finding solutions to one problem, but to limitless problems. Homelessness, child poverty, crime, suicide, domestic violence, hunger... the list goes on. The issues do not seem so catastrophic, so unmanageable if we can trace it back to the root cause. How did the elephant get in the room in the first place. Once we figure that out, we have a way to get it out. We believe it all traces back to mental health. We may be a wealthy country, but lets be honest, we are poor when it comes to mental health. Our minds are the most important part of our existence on this tiny rock we call earth. Without a fundamental understanding of our own mental health, all the other problems grow like weeds. A weed is never gone unless you pull it from its roots. 

Much like a weed, we can not solve the problem by simply mowing over the surface. How do we attack the problem at its roots? Im glad you asked! By supporting the folks who have already begun the fight. 

With every sale, we provide our partner organizations with funds that allow the machine to continue its job. I know, I love analogies, but its true. Until things change, new bills are passed and government assistance is reliable, we must step in and be the change we wish to see. The solution is not free. It requires cooperation. Sober living, detox centers and recovery homes all have rent and mortgages. The lights and heat have to stay on. The beds and supplies need to be purchased. Supportive funds allow organizations to pay living wages to their life saving employees, doctors, therapists, coaches and more. Supportive funds provide scholarships for fathers and mothers and a safe place of refuge while they work to find a better life for themselves and their children. Supportive funds help guide folks off the streets with dignity and into the care of a loving community. It allows those who feel forgotten, to be seen, respected, heard and understood. 

If you would like to find ways to help, please reach out through our contact page. If your orginazation is interested in partnering with Sonder Mountain, we would love to hear from you as well. Either way, check out our partners. Visit their websites, friend them on social media, thank them for what they are doing in your community. We provide free design, sourcing, and manufacturing of apparel for all of our partners. You can shop their apparel on the Sonder Mountain site as well as our Facebook, Instagram, Pintress and Shop app stores. Thanks for being a part of the revolution!